Common signs of a poor immune system due to excessive sugar intake

Common signs of a poor immune system due to excessive sugar intake

Today, sugar-laden treats are readily available, which tempt one at every turn. While the occasional sweet indulgence may seem harmless, excessive sugar consumption can silently or indirectly impair one’s immune system, the body’s defense mechanism against illness and infections. It’s essential to recognize the impact of sugar on one’s immune health. Here are a few common indicators of a compromised immune system due to excessive sugar intake. Check them out. Effect of glucose on one’s immune system Glucose is needed for the body to produce energy. In moderate amounts, it can support one’s daily activity. Still, excessive consumption of refined sugar and carbohydrates can cause various health issues, including a higher risk of developing diabetes and heart disease. It also affects one’s immune system, a complex network of cells and tissues that work in tandem to defend one’s body from foreign invaders and maintain one’s overall health. Any spikes in sugar intake suppress the optimal functioning of one’s immune system. Those with type 2 diabetes, a common autoimmune disease marked by high blood glucose levels, are among those who get affected the most. A diabetic person’s immune system recognizes sugar as a harmful substance and triggers an inflammatory response. This inflammation can damage the pancreatic cells, which are tasked with producing a sugar-regulating substance called insulin.
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How does diabetes affect heart health

How does diabetes affect heart health

The human heart supplies oxygen to different parts of the body, maintains blood pressure, and expels carbon dioxide through exhalation. But with an increasing frequency of heart conditions, as per 2021 reports, heart disease costs the country a whopping $239.9 billion each year. Heart problems may have various underlying causes; however, diabetes is often responsible for triggering or worsening them. Some heart problems caused by excessive sugar intake and diabetes are as follows: Arrhythmia Arrhythmia refers to irregular heartbeats. Since diabetes disrupts the heart’s structure, the condition may be caused or worsened by diabetes. Individuals with this condition experience shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, fainting, etc. Stroke Diabetes pathologically alters the body’s blood vessels, which can trigger the onset of stroke. Studies have also shown that survival rates of individuals with stroke are lower among patients with diabetes. Heart attack Patients with type-2 diabetes are twice as susceptible to heart disease as those with regular blood-sugar levels. Individuals with diabetes may also develop silent heart attacks, which do not have any initial symptoms. Patients having suffered a heart attack may experience swelling in their legs or ankles, sweating, shortness of breath, chest pain, and nausea, among other symptoms. Atrial fibrillation According to research reports, diabetes significantly increases one’s risk of developing atrial fibrillation.
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